
About Devin Zane Shaw

Devin Zane Shaw teaches at Douglas College in the Department of Philosophy and the Humanities. He previously taught as a sessional professor in the Department of Philosophy at Carleton University and at the University of Ottawa, where he received his PhD in 2009. He has also taught in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of Ottawa.

He is currently a series co-editor, with LaRose T. Parris and T Storm Heter, of Living Existentialism, a series published by Rowman and Littlefield.

Selected Publications:

Books and Pamphlets:
  • Philosophy of Antifascism: Punching Nazis and Fighting White Supremacy. Rowman and Littlefield, 2020 (See here).
  • The Politics of the Blockade. Kersplebedeb, 2020 (see here).
  • Egalitarian Moments: From Descartes to Rancière. Bloomsbury, 2016 (See here).
  • Freedom and Nature in Schelling's Philosophy of Art. Bloomsbury, 2010 (Available here).

Articles and Interventions:

  • “We Settlers Face a Choice: Decolonization or White Supremacy,” Anthro{dendum}, February 28, 2019: here

    With Veldon Coburn, “The Real ‘Justice’ Denied Colten Boushie,” Policy Options (February 15, 2018): here.
  • With Veldon Coburn: “Renewing the Status Quo: The Colonial Politics of Recognition in Trudeau’s ‘Renewed’ Relationship with Indigenous Nations” E-International Review (September 7, 2017): here.
  • “Animals, Those Incessant Somnambulists,” in Rethinking German Idealism. Ed. Joseph Carew and Sean McGrath (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016).
  • “René Descartes” and “J.G. Fichte,” in The Meillassoux Dictionary. Ed. Peter Gratton and Paul J. Ennis (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015), 54-56; 70-71 (See here).
  • “The ‘Keystone’ of the System: Schelling’s Philosophy of Art,” in The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism. Ed. Matthew C. Altman (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014), 518–538 (See here).
  • “The Vitalist Senghor: On Diagne's African Art as Philosophy," Comparative and Continental Philosophy, 5/1 (May 2013), 92-98 (Available here).  
  • With Sean Moreland, “‘As Urged by Schelling’: Coleridge, Poe, and the Schellingian Refrain,” in “Theory-Mad Beyond Redemption”: The Post-Kantian Poe, a special edition of The Edgar Allan Poe Review, 8/2 (Fall 2012), 50-80 (Available here)
  • “Cartesian Egalitarianism: From Poullain de la Barre to Rancière” in Phaenex 7.1 (Spring/Summer 2012), 101-129 (Available here).
  • “The Nothingness of Equality: The ‘Sartrean Existentialism’ of Jacques Rancière,” in Sartre Studies International, 18/1 (Spring 2012), 29-48 (See here).
  • “Alain Badiou” in Figure u pokretu. Savremena zapadna estetika, filozofija i teorija umetnosti. Ed. Miško Šuvaković and Aleš Erjavec (Belgrade: Atoča, 2009), 645-657 (Translated into Serbian).
  • “Inaesthetics and Truth: the Debate between Alain Badiou and Jacques Rancière,” in Filozofski vestnik, 28/2 (2007), 183-199 (Available here). 
  • “The Absence of Evidence is Not the Evidence of Absence: The State of Exception and Biopolitics,” in Radical Philosophy Today 4: Philosophy Against Empire. Ed. Harry van der Linden and Tony Smith (Charlottesville, Virginia: Philosophy Documentation Center, 2006), 123-138.
Book Reviews and Review Essays Online:
  • “Fighting Fascism with Feminism: A Review of Petronella Lee, Anti-Fascism Against Machismo,” Social Justice Centre Blog (January 6 2020): here.

  • "Benjanun Sriduangkaew and J. Moufawad-Paul, Methods Devour Themselves: A Conversation,” Symposium (30 August 2018): here.
  • "Martin Breaugh et al., Thinking Radical Democracy," in Symposium (26 January 2016): here.
  • “Disagreement and Recognition between Rancière and Honneth” (A review of Axel Honneth and Jacques Rancière, Recognition or Disagreement), Boundary 2 Online (March 13, 2017): here
  • "Todd May, Friendship in an Age of Economics," in Anarchist Developments in Cultural Studies. 5/1 (2015), 167-172 (Available here).
  • "Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o, Globalectics: Theory and the Politics of Knowing," in Society and Space (7 March 2013): here
  • "Miguel Abensour, Democracy Against the State," in Symposium 16/1 (Spring 2012): 242-246 (Available here).  
  • "Bernard Stiegler, For a New Critique of Political Economy," in Symposium. 16/1 (Spring 2012): 282-286 (Available here).
  • "Jacques Rancière, The Politics of Literature," in Marx and Philosophy Review of Books (29 June 2011): available here.
  • "Alain Badiou, Briefings on Existence," in Gnosis, 8/2 (2007), 48-53 (Available here).
  • "Walter Benjamin, On Hashish," in De Philosophia, 19/2 (2006), 124 (Reprinted here).
  • "Guy Debord, Panegyric," in De Philosophia 19/1 (2005), 50-51 (Reprinted here).
  • "The Step Outside: The Act, Democracy, and Its Discontents" (A review of Zizek's Iraq: The Borrowed Kettle), in Critical Sense, 8/1 (Spring 2005),145-153 (Available here).