Violence: Systemic, Symbolic, and Foundational
University of Oregon in Eugene , Oregon
November 11th-14th, 2010
Deadline Extended to April 1, 2010.
Call for Papers
The Radical Philosophy Association Conference Program Committee invites submissions of talks, papers, workshops, roundtables discussions, posters and other kinds of conference contributions, for its ninth biennial conference, to be held at University of Oregon in Eugene, Oregon on November 11-14, 2010.
In the spirit of collaboration, and in the recognition that radical philosophy is often done outside traditional philosophical settings, we invite submissions not only from philosophers inside and outside the academy, but also from those who engage in theoretical work in other academic disciplines – such as ethnic studies, women's studies, social sciences and literary studies-and from those engaged in theoretical work unconnected to the academy.
We especially welcome contributions from those often excluded from or marginalized in philosophy, including people of color, glbt persons, persons with disabilities, poor and working class persons.
Conference Theme
With the US engaged in imperial wars around the globe and amidst the collapse of the most recent mode of global capitalism, we at the Radical Philosophy Association have found reflection on violence both timely and imperative. The theme for our upcoming Ninth Biennial Conference will, therefore, be “Violence: Systemic, Symbolic, and Foundational”. Unmistakably, violence shapes our social world. Oppressive systems are founded in and maintained through violent action. Capitalism demands and enforces conditions of starvation, brutalization, and alienated experience. Patriarchy thrives on the threat and reality of physical and sexual assault and pervasive psychological debasement. Racist and colonial structures demand occupation, enslavement, and incarceration. The systemic violence of capitalism permeates quotidian existence to such a degree that we are inured to its effects and only become aware of it when we are awaken to it by the exceptional violence of state terror or the terrorism of the powerless.
Violence penetrates deeply into our contemporary consciousness and it permeates our everyday experience. From 'torture flicks' to 'first-person shooter' video games, from sexual fantasies to nightmares, our psychology is informed by violence. Further, many believe that violence is the only or most effective means of overcoming the systems and oppositions that shape our social world. From reactionary violence perpetrated in the name of religious and ethnic identity to liberatory violence undertaken with the intent of creating just and legitimate social structures, violence is seen as a means to 'radical' political ends.
For these reasons we invite submissions that answer questions about the nature of violence and its role in our social world. What is violence? What kinds of violence are there? How do systems of oppression perpetuate or institute violence? What role does violence play in human psychology and social structures? How do we represent violence and what do these representations make possible or impossible? Is non-violence a form of violence? Is revolutionary violence legitimate? Under what conditions is it legitimate? Does the recourse to violence for political ends perpetuate the cycles of violence? What are the differences between violence and political power? Does the birth of the new social order require a violent upheaval?
We, thus, invite submissions for the Ninth Biennial Conference of the Radical Philosophy Association: “Violence: Systemic, Symbolic, and Foundational”.
In keeping with the spirit of radical thinking embodied by the RPA, we encourage submissions that employ formats and media that challenge the standard conference presentation. For instance, we urge presenters to use formats that allow for greater interaction between participants and audience (e.g. presenting an outline, rather than reading a paper), and that emphasize collective inquiry (e.g. organizing a workshop).
Please note that participants will be selected for at most one presentation (talk, workshop, poster session, etc.) during the conference; submissions should be presented with this in mind. (This limit does not include chairing sessions.)
Please submit all the information requested:
Affiliation-or independent scholar, activist, educator, etc.
Title of proposal
Nature of proposal (talk, workshop, other)
Abstract of 250-500 words only
Equipment needs
(Note: Due to the length of sessions, we will only consider panels of NO MORE THAN three persons.)
Name of panel contact person, and of each panel member
Address of all panel members, including email
Affiliation-or independent scholar, activist, educator, etc.-for each
Title of panel proposal
Nature of proposal (talk, workshop, other)
Abstract of 250-500 words only
Titles of individual papers
Abstract of 250-500 words for each paper (if relevant)
Equipment needs
If you would be willing to serve as a session chair, please indicate this on your submission form. Session chairs are responsible for timing presentations, and ensuring that each presenter gets her or his fair share of the available time.
All submissions must be submitted electronically by
Submissions should be in an email attachment (.doc) sent to (send abstracts not completed papers)
For further information, contact the conference Program Committee:
Eduardo Mendieta, Chair:
Jack Green Musselman:
Brandon Absher:
Jessica E. Peters:
Alex Pienknagura:
Maurice Hamington:
ReplyDeleteI know that I am sending in an abstract.