Thursday, March 8, 2012

Freedom and Nature in Schelling's Philosophy of Art Reviewed (again)

Paul Bishop reviews Freedom and Nature in Schelling's Philosophy of Art in the Journal of European Studies (behind a pay wall here). In large part the review is a summary of the main points in the book. Bishop concludes:
One might recall Schiller’s irritated response to Schelling’s System of Transcendental Idealism in his letter to Goethe of 27 March 1801; even if he disagreed with Schelling, he recognized that something important was at stake. Shaw’s dense, but rewarding study reminds us why, two centuries on, the issues at the heart of Schelling’s philosophy still matter − indeed, more so than ever before.
Continuum tells me that the paperback will be available by July 26th, 2012, which should make the book available to a wider audience. Now I'm off to find Schiller's letter.

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