Monday, October 25, 2010

The OED's Definition of 'Schellingian'

I wasn't exactly surprised to discover the adjective 'Schellingian' in the Oxford English Dictionary, but take a look at the line from Peirce that I've highlighted in bold (note also that the OED makes it difficult to copy a passage without taking with it a lot of formatting baggage):
1865 tr. Strauss's New Life of Jesus I. 190 Similar instances may be brought forward from the history of the Schellingian philosophy. 1865 J. H. STIRLINGSecret of Hegel I. I. v. 275 Once in Jena, we have to see him a declared Schellingian. 1865 W. PATER Appreciations (1889) 75 Schellingism, the ‘Philosophy of Nature’, is indeed a constant tradition in the history of thought. 1874 MORRIS & PORTER tr. Ueberweg's Hist. Philos. II. 114 Kantism, the renewed Spinozism (Schellingism), and Herbartism lay conjoined and undeveloped in the doctrine of Leibnitz. 1894 C. S. PEIRCE Let. 28 Jan. in R. B. Perry Tht. & Char. of W. James (1935) II. 416 If you were to call my philosophy Schellingism transformed in the light of modern physics, I should not take it hard. 1895 C. GARNETT tr.Turgenev's On the Eve iv. 30 My father was a learned man, a Schellingist.  1967 Encycl. Philos. VII. 260/2 The most important of the Russian Schellingians were Professor D. M. Vellanski..and Prince V. F. Odoyevski. Ibid. 261/2 In his early Schellingian period he [sc. Belinski] stressed aesthetic activity.

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